Caramelized Mango with Basil

This is a simple-dimple quickie MANGO treat that Rasa, my sis-in-law, made for me once and I've been loving it since then. Fresh basil and mango are one of those perfect flavour combinations - sweet and fresh. I like using a slightly sour mango for this recipe. While frying, the mango will release some of the juices which will make this lovely shiny caramel sauce sweet&sour. I have it either by itself while still warm or as a topping for a dessert.

1 mango, peeled and sliced
1 tsp of unsalted butter
1 heaped tsp of brown sugar
a small handful of fresh basil leaves
1. Melt the butter in a frying pan and mix in the brown sugar.

2. Let it melt and once it starts bubbling up, add the mango slices. Mix it well so that the mango gets covered with the caramelized sugar completely.

3. Fry it for another moment and add fresh basil leaves. Stir it and you are done!

a tiny pinch of red chili powder
a drop of lime juice

If mango is very ripe and sweet, you can add just a drop of lime juice. And if you are feeling adventurous, add BAM! a tiny pinch of red chili powder. It enhances the taste of sweet fruity and chocolate desserts!


Egle said...

Derinys skamba nuostabiai. man bazilikas toks universalus ir visur tinkantis prieskonis. Įtariu, kaip skanu. reiks eit pc paieskot mangu (gaila pas jus jie ne is tolo neprimena tikruju mango, bet vistiek).
Jau po serbeto seile buvo nutįsus, bet dabar...

Unknown said...

Egle - budavo skanu ir Lietuvoje su mangais, kuriuos ten importuoja. Tiesa pasakius, ir cia dazniausiai sitam receptui sunaudoju ne pachius geriausius - rugstesnius ir kietesnius.

Siandien uztikau mango caprese salotu recepta. Tau gal baisiai nuskambes, nes pamenu, kad rimtai i salotas ziuri :o) Bet gal reikes kada isbandyti, kol sezonas...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

Jūrate, kaip gerai, kad išsaugojai tą receptą, nes per visus persikraustymus aną kažkur nudanginau. Dabar kai prireikė jubiliejui, radau pas tave :) ačiū!

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